Israel Encampment

- Salem Commons -

Chabad to hold community encampment for Israel in Salem!

Chabad of the North Shore will host a Greater Boston Community Encampment for Israel on July 21 at the Salem Common, in Salem, beginning at 10 a.m. The event will include live music, food, movies, children’s activities, exhibits, speakers, and programs on Israel’s history and education.

“This model of an encampment for Israel offers an opportunity for our Jewish community to gather in solidarity and pride. We will stand alongside members of all faiths and the wide diversity of communities, who are morally aligned with us in their unwavering support of Israel’s right to exist,” said Rabbi Yossi Lipsker, director of Chabad of the North Shore.

“It will be a healthy and safe environment to express our mounting concern over the alarming escalation of Jew-hatred in our communities. We envision this as a joyous, positive and upbeat gathering of love framed by affirmations of decency and zero tolerance for bigotry and blind hatred. The normalization of a call to wipe out and/or displace millions of Jews is a wake up call for the silent majority to make their voices heard.”


//Standing with Israel

Our brothers and sisters in Israel have been facing the darkest days in our 75 Year history.

The question on the minds of so many of our community members over the past few day: How can we help?

What can we do for the Jewish Homeland from afar? How can we stand with Israel and combat the Jew-Hatred we see all around us here in the United States?

Chabad’s network for good on The North Shore is redirecting our efforts to support our brothers and sisters in Israel, and support our community here at home on the North Shore

Read on to find out how//


We are uniting to do the most Jewish thing possible: 1,000,000 Mitzvahs for the recovery of the wounded, safe return of the captive and a show of solidarity with our brethren in the holy land!